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Ant with Leaf in Resin, Pheidologeton divrersus
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This display has a big visual impact for such a tiny specimen, almost as if it’s a simple diorama with only two elements. This is a real ant in resin with a real leaf. The ant specimen is (Pheidologeton divrersus) the East Indian Harvest Ant.
It is a species of marauder ant found widely distributed throughout Asia. They live in large colonies, like most ant species, which are often found in soil or under rocks. This species preys on small animals such as insects. The minors of this species have been observed ‘hitching a ride’ on the large ants so as to save energy while moving along long trails.
As will all bugs in resin, size shape and coloration can vary. Measures approx. 1 1/2 inches square by 1/2 inch thick.
Item looks amazing. Good quality and weight. Very excited to place it amongst my possessions
Well packed. Thank you for your care.
I love my tiny ant with leaf. I named him Hubert
This ant thing is adorable. I ordered for my son for a special ornament. He's obsessed w ants and was very happy.
Ant with Leaf